Security Analysis: Remoboard Android App 1.9.1

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Remoboard 1 is a remote keyboard application. It allows user to type in a webpage or via a Bluetooth connected device, and the typed text will appear on the Android text input field, if Remoboard is activated as the current input method.

Remoboard does this by hosting a web server on the mobile phone, and uses a web socket from the web page to communicate with the Android application. See Figure 1 and 2.

It supports three input modes:

  1. Standard input mode: Text is sent after receiving the Enter key
  2. Multiline: Text is sent after clicking the submit button
  3. Program: Characters are sent in real time.


Figure 1: Remoboard Webpage for Input


Figure 2: Remobard Android Application

2 Analysis

This analyzed version is 1.9.1, downloaded from CoolAPK. 2 The permissions requested by the application are the following. None of the permission doesn't serve the application's purpose.


When Remoboard is activated as the current input method, it will start a web server at "http://<local IP>:7777", which serves 4 files:

  • vuemin.js (Vue.js v2.6.10)
  • favicon.ico
  • index.html (The webpage for input)
  • appversion.txt

See Listing 1 for the actual implementation.

private void checkSyncSiteFiles() {
    StringBuilder var2 = new StringBuilder();
    String var9 = var2.toString();
    File var3 = new File(var9);
    if (!var3.exists()) {

    String var10 = Util.getAppVersion(this.mContext);
    StringBuilder var4 = new StringBuilder();
    String var11 = var4.toString();
    String var5 = Util.readFileContent(var11);
    if (var5.isEmpty() || !var10.equals(var5)) {
        HashMap var12 = new HashMap();
        var12.put("index.html", 2131427329);
        var12.put("favicon.ico", 2131427328);
        var12.put("vuemin.js", 2131427330);

public void start(final ChannelService.Callback callback) {
    String ipAddr = Util.getIpAddress(this.mContext);
    if (ipAddr == null) {
    } else {
        StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        // code removed
        StringBuilder localAddr = new StringBuilder();
        NetworkServerManager.httpServerStart(localAddr.toString(), "7777");

When user types some text and sent to the Android application, the message is sent as a web socket text message. See Figure 3 for an intercepted message using Wireshark. 3


Figure 3: Message Intercepted by Wireshark.

Checking the source code on the website, the sending logic is shown in Listing 2. As the code shows, the format of the text message is "<type><separater><content>", where type is one of the following: "input", "input-delete", "move-left", "move-right", "move-up" and "move-down".

var kSeparater = '##rkb-1l0v3y0u3000##';
function sendMessage(type,content) {
    var msg = type + kSeparater + content;
    return socketSend(msg)

function processKeyEventWhenEmptyInput(event) {
    // Enter
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {
        // new line
        console.log('send new line');
    } else if (event.keyCode == 8) {
        console.log('send delete');
    } else if (event.keyCode == 37) {
        console.log('send left');
    } else if (event.keyCode == 39) {
        console.log('send right');
    } else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
        console.log('send up');
    } else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
        console.log('send down');

After the message is received in the Android application, there is nothing magical but just to put the text into where the caret currently is. See Listing 3.

public View onCreateInputView() {
    LinearLayout var1 = (LinearLayout)this.getLayoutInflater()\
        .inflate(2131296287, (ViewGroup)null);
    this.mTextViewMessage = (TextView)var1.findViewById(2131165330);
        new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View var1) {
                    .commitText("\n", 1);
    // code removed

3 Vulnerabilities

Because all the messages are sent over HTTP in plain text, there will be no secret. Since this application is used as an input method, and is especially to designed for situations for inputing a large amount of text, it is important to ensure the input is not easily peeked by any third parties. Therefore, this application should not be used in any network that allows untrusted devices to join.

There is no authentication. Anyone who knows the service address can open the webpage, and the application will accept any input without any authentication.

What's more, the harded coded listening address can easily be scanned and connected by any third party. Because the traffic isn't encrypted, using a fixed listening port can further increase the risk of being attacked. The service can easily be discovered by looking for /appversion.txt at port 7777.

Last but not least, the web server is never stopped even when the input method is deactivated or the screen is locked, which means anyone can scan for the existence of Remoboard, and listen for the particular traffic once discovered the target. However, when Remoboard isn't activated, although the web server is accessible, sending any message will result in a run-time error and kill the Remoboard process, which kills the web server. This seems to be the most reliable way to kill Remoboard process since on Android, since the input method process cannot be killed easily.

Even though an attacker can send arbitrary message to the Remoboard application, but the commitText method shown in List 3 can only send text to a text edit control, but not able to send arbitrary hotkeys to control the Android or applications.

4 Recommendation to Developers

  1. Replace HTTP with HTTPS. Since the server is hosted on the user's device, the certificate for HTTPS should be generated, rather than using a pre-generated private key. Thus, every comminication will not be sharing the same HTTPS certificate, to prevent evasdropping.
  2. Add authentication before accepting any input. Before accepting any input, a nounce should be generated and ask the user to input on the web page. The nounce should be long enough to prevent brute-force attack, and delays should be added for verifications to prevent DoS attack.
  3. Connection indicators should be placed on both the webpage and application. The indicator should tell the user how many active connections there are, so the user could easily tell whether there are unauthorized access.

5 Tools Used for Analysis

There are many ways to unpack the APK file and decompile the Java byte code: One way is to use dex2jar 4 to extract the dex file and convert to a compiled Java package file, and then use a decompiler like jd-gui 5 to decompile the jar file. There are also website for automate the process like 6. Either of these method can serve the purpose.

MITMProxy 7 is a HTTP proxy server that can be used to examine network traffic and launch man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

