Extending GoogleTest

Table of Contents

Updates on 2019-03-30: Google is working on a refactory of googletest. Some detail in this post may vary, but you get the idea.

Maybe you are tired of the syntax googletest has chosen, so you deside to invent you own unit test DSL. But re-implementing the whole execution & report part of a unit test framework would be too much, esp. you want to ship your "product" somewhere.

Then the option left would be extending an existing one, and [googletest] is a good candidate.

1 Behind the curtain

1.1 A basic version

First of all, before extending googletest, we need to know what's behind the curtain. A typical unit test would be:

class Fixture : public ::testing::Test {

TEST_F(Fixture, GIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0) {
    ASSERT_EQ(0, 1 + 1);

Sorry for my bad math.

In above code snippet, googletest does 3 things:

  1. Create a class inherited from Fixture.
  2. Override a method in Fixture.
  3. Execute some code to register the newly created class somewhere.

All the magic is done within macro TEST_F. If you are familiar with macro, it won't take a minute to figure out TEST_F actually expand to:

/* --------- Expand start -----------> */
class prefixGIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0postfix {
    void SomeMethodCalledWhenExecuteTest();
void prefixGIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0postfix::SomeMethodCalledWhenExecuteTest()
/* <-------- Expand end --------------> */
    ASSERT_EQ(0, 1 + 1);

Now, we've done No. 1 and No. 2. But what about No. 3? How to execute some code outside the main function? The answer is simple: Use global variables, and perform registration in the construction of the variable:

//* <--------- Expand start -----------> *//
class prefixGIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0postfix {
    void SomeMethodCalledWhenExecuteTest();
prefixGIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0postfix instance_GIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0;
void prefixGIVEN_1_THEN_add_1_SHOULD_return_0postfix::SomeMethodCalledWhenExecuteTest()
//* <-------- Expand end --------------> *//

1.2 The googletest version

This only demonstrate the basic idea of how `TESTF` works. Knowing this, we can find out how to extend googletest.

Watching the macro TEST_F, it does a bit more than our basic version:

#define GTEST_TEST_(test_case_name, test_name, parent_class, parent_id)         \
class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) : public parent_class { \
public:                                                                         \
    GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)() {}                      \
private:                                                                        \
    virtual void TestBody();                                                    \
    static ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info_ GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_;       \
    GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(                                            \
        GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name));                     \
};                                                                              \

Above code defines the test class inherites from test fixture.

First, create the global variable:

::testing::TestInfo* const GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)   \
  ::test_info_ =                                                               \

Then, initialize the global variable:

::testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(                                  \
    #test_case_name, #test_name, NULL, NULL,                                   \
    (parent_id),                                                               \
    parent_class::SetUpTestCase,                                               \
    parent_class::TearDownTestCase,                                            \
    new ::testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl<                                  \
        GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)>);                   \

Registration is performed inside ::testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo.

At last, is the TestBody stub, which connects real test code:

void GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)::TestBody()

1.2.1 Inside RegisterTestInfo

Let's take a closer look at what happened inside MakeAndRegisterTestInfo:

TestInfo* MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(
    const char* test_case_name,
    const char* name,
    const char* type_param,
    const char* value_param,
    TypeId fixture_class_id,
    SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,                // Set up for the first of fixture class.
    TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc,          // Tear down after execute of all tests in a fixture.
    TestFactoryBase* factory);                  // Factory creates the test class instances.

First 2 parameters are easy to tell from their name, last 3 are also not difficult. type_param and value_param are both passed as NULL in TEST_F macro, so we can ignore them until we really get some problems.

Then, what is fixture_class_id? If we are using a different model from googletest, what should the value be? By searching the code, we can easily find out the type id is used to tell a test going to run whether is the first one under a fixture. If it is, then the tear_down_tc of previous fixture and set_up_tc of the fixture should be called. So if you don't care about it, ignore it.

2 Register our test

After all the work, it is clear that all the macro makes googletest "user interface". If we want to connect our unit test DSL with googletest, register the test via MakeAndRegisterTestInfo.

Now we are ready to let our test sneaks in. Here is the complete code: (C++ 11)

class NoFixture {};
void nop() {}

class FunctionTest : public ::testing::Test {
    FunctionTest(function<void()> function)
        : function_(function)
    const function<void()> function_;
    void TestBody() override { function_(); }

class TestFactory : public ::testing::internal::TestFactoryBase {
    TestFactory(function<void()> function)
        : function_(function) {}
    ::testing::Test* CreateTest() override {
        return new FunctionTest(function_);
    const function<void()> function_;

void Register(const string& test_name, const string& case_name, function<void()> test) {
    static auto fixture_class_id = ::testing::internal::GetTypeId<NoFixture>();
    ::testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(test_name.c_str(), case_name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr,
        fixture_class_id, nop, nop, new TestFactory(test));