Test Daemon For Python using Nose
Last week we had a great night with Tim Ottinger, playing with Python to analyze commit history.
One thing impressed me is Tim's Python develop environment. His tests are running automatically after a change. I didn't caught up how he made it work, and cannot find a apropiate key word to google. So here is my own version.
The idea is quite simple: Use nose API to re-run tests every time a source change is detected.
while True: while not sourceChanged(dirs): time.sleep(1) nose.run()
Only thing needs special attention is to isolate test modules by provide option `–with-isolation`, so nose will reload them before each `nose.run`.
For file change detection, library watchdog
is used. 1
Two improvements I can think of are:
- Not only monitor
files, but all files. Configuration files can also have an impact on test result. - Ignore version control files, because these folders are always filled by tones of files.
The complete source code is shown below:
import sys import time from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler import nose import os from itertools import takewhile def cls(): os.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear') class TestMonitor(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self): FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self) self.modified = False def on_any_event(self, event): print(event.src_path) self.modified = True @property def path(self): where = list(takewhile(lambda a: not a.startswith("-"), sys.argv[1:])) for i, v in enumerate(sys.argv): if v == "-w" or v == "--where": where.append(sys.argv[i+1]) where = filter(os.path.isdir, where) if len(where) == 0: return ["."] return where def testIt(self): cls() nose.run() self.modified = False def run(self): sys.argv.append("--with-isolation") observer = Observer() for p in self.path: observer.schedule(self, p, recursive = True) observer.start() self.testIt() try: while True: time.sleep(1) if self.modified: self.testIt() except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() if __name__ == "__main__": TestMonitor().run()